Friday, March 11, 2011

Apple posts iPad 2 guided tours

Section: iPhone / iPod touch / iPad, iPad, iDevice Apps, iPhone OS, SDK and hacks

iPad 2 Guided Tours

If you’re anything like me, then you just can’t wait to get your hands on the next gadget. Right now, that’s iPad 2. Waiting sucks, but today Apple posted Guided Tours online. It won’t get an iPad 2 in your hands any faster, but it might help remind you why you want one in the first place.

There are 14 guided tour videos in total; one for each major Apple app on the device. Those include: FaceTime, Mail, Safari, iBooks, Videos, Photos, Find My iPad, iPod, iTunes, App Store, Maps, AirPlay, GarageBand and iMovie. If you already have an iPad or other iOS device, you probably know most of this stuff already. But that doesn’t mean they’re any less fun to watch. Honestly, it’s just nice to see the iPad 2 in action.

The two most interesting videos of the bunch are easily GarageBand and iMovie. I’m still blown away at how amazing GarageBand seems to be on iPad 2. Not only is it a multitouch virtual instrument, it’s an eight track recorder too. I see this app being a tremendous success for Apple. Seriously, go watch the video. It’s awesome, and somehow, Apple only wants $5 for it. You’ll notice that Apple once again chose to “plug” the Apogee JAM guitar input.

iMovie is pretty sweet too. Unlike GarageBand, you can use iMovie on most of your iOS devices, not just iPad 2. You’ll notice the interface looks strikingly like the desktop version of the app. It even supports some fairly heavy editing that you wouldn’t think you could do on a mobile device. After you’re done with all of your edits, you can watch it on the device, upload it to the internet, or watch it on the big screen with the help of AirPlay.

AirPlay is pretty amazing, too; definitely worth mentioning here. With Apple’s latest iOS 4.3 update, you’ll be able to use AirPlay more than ever. The really exciting part of this is that developers can now use AirPlay in their apps. Think games. But you can also do the normal stuff like streaming movies, music and pictures. It’s a sweet technology, but you’ll need an AppleTV to get the most use out of it. You can also use AirPlay to stream music to speakers connected to an Airport Express.

So, go check out the videos, but don’t blame me when you find yourself wishing you had an iPad 2 in your hands right now.

View [Apple iPad 2 Guided Tours]

Full Story » | Written by Jake Gaecke for Appletell. | Comment on this Article »


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