Sunday, June 19, 2011

Duke Nukem PR agency nuked

Dropped for Twitter outburst
Duke Nukem PR agency nuked. Duke Nukem Forever, PR, games, Gaming, PCs, Laptops, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3,  0

It might have taken since 1998 for Duke Nukem Forever to finally materialise on shop shelves but it is finally here and by the looks of things it stinks. Harsh reviews of the game that people thought would never be finished have begun flooding the internet since launch.

So much criticism has been directed toward the game in fact that a very public row broke out on social networking site Twitter. An angry Jim Redner, founder of Redner Group, the games PR company, tweeted: "Too many went too far with their reviews...we r reviewing who gets games next time and who doesn't based on today's venom,".

His comments led to Take Two, the publisher of Duke Nukem Forever, dropping Redner Group. Take Two insists that it does not endorse the idea that those who reviewed the game badly would be blacklisted from future releases.

So keen were Take Two to press this point home that they then tweeted: "a mutually respectful relationship with the press and will continue to do so. We don't condone @TheRednerGroup's actions at all". Not the best for a PR companies' reputation by any means.

Attempts at damage control were made by Redner who replied:?"Again, I want everyone to know that I was acting on my own. 2K had nothing to do with this. I am so very sorry for what I said."

Given the more than ten years of hype surrounding Duke Nukem Forever it was?understandable?that some would be annoyed. But few could gage the bad press that the Duke has been receiving, which by the looks of it is simply too outdated and perhaps even too offensive for todays gaming audience.


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Tags: Duke Nukem Forever PR games Gaming PCs Laptops Xbox 360 PlayStation 3

Duke Nukem PR agency nuked originally appeared on on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 18:11:00 +0100


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