Friday, December 10, 2010

Gainward GeForce GTX 570 1280MB Goes Like Hell Video Card Overclocked


Gainward GeForce GTX 570 1280MB Goes Like Hell Video Card Overclocked

Gainward offer us a great overclock out of the box when it comes to the GTX 570, but as we always try to do with the first version of a new model, we see just how far we can overclock it.

At the moment we don't have any voltage adjustment ability when it comes to the core, so our overall overclock might not be as strong as it could be when we see future versions of MSI Afterburner. But we wouldn't be bringing you this article today if we didn't get at least a decent bump out of the card.

Since we've already covered the Gainward GTX 570 1280MB Goes Like Hell edition in our standalone review here, we won't go into any real details on the card. Instead we'll just quickly cover the stock clocks the card carries; and more importantly the overclock we managed to achieve.


As we already mentioned, out of the box we see a good overclock already from the Gainward GLH GTX 570. We've seen Gainward bump the clocks to 800 / 1600 / 4000 QDR on the Core / Shader / Memory which is up from a reference card which carries a setup off 732 / 1464 / 3800 QDR.

Gainward GeForce GTX 570 1280MB Goes Like Hell Video Card Overclocked

With a bit of time we ended up with a nice 50MHz core bump, which put that in at a nice sounding 850MHz. That of course increased the Shader clock to 1700MHz. We got a little bit of movement bumping that up 200MHz QDR which brings the final memory clock in at 4200MHz QDR.

These are some nice little gains and we should see a decent performance jump. It'll be interesting to see how it compares to a stock clocked GTX 580.

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