Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nokia and Microsoft partnership: Industry reaction

We ask the people that know what it all means
Nokia and Microsoft partnership: Industry reaction

So it's all official. Nokia loves Microsoft and Microsoft loves Nokia back. What a lovely start to a dreary Friday, we're sure you'll agree.

But is this really the happy ending in Nokia's smartphone struggles? And is it really the boost that Windows Phone 7 needs as it tries to make up ground on Apple and Google?

Pocket-lint asked the people who know, the people who write about Nokia and Microsoft day in and day out, and who have been working closely within the smartphone industry during its boom period over the last few years. And here's what they had to say....

Ina Fried, senior editor at All Things Digital:

"Clearly this is huge for Microsoft, not only are we getting signification licensing from Nokia, but unlike other manufacturers Nokia is committing to make Windows Phone 7 their primary operating system. Samsung, HTC, LG, Dell all offer significant Android offerings, but will they be able to stand out enough to bet the company’s future?"

Rafe Blandford, owner of All About Symbian:

"It’s good news, Nokia was facing terrible times. All eyes now turn to whether they can pull it off. This is the beginning of the end for Symbian although it’s still got life in it yet."

Ben Wood, research director at CCS Insight:

"Steven Elop’s burning platform memo was even a more frank assessment than people perhaps realised. The big winner here is Microsoft, the world’s biggest phone manufacturer is now on board. Microsoft will benefit Nokia services platform. Markets will have to hope two Steve’s are better than one."

Tom Warren, owner of WinRumors:

"This announcement is exciting for both companies. Nokia can now marry its great hardware with the momentum around Windows Phone 7. Microsoft will also benefit from a key ally in its bid to catch Android and iOS. The only question is when will we see devices?"

Ewan McLeod, founder and editor of Mobile Industry Review:

"This is precisely the news the market was looking for from Nokia. It's big, bold, and it could be absolutely phenomenal. The question now is execution. Both companies have the capacity to deliver. I hope their teams knuckle down and make it happen. And let's see some stonkingly brilliant handsets, Nokia."

Tim Green, executive editor at Mobile Entertainment News:

"Gut reaction is to be negative. Elop is talking about speed and nimbleness but can they do it? Just look at MeeGo. How long did it take Microsoft to get into the game? Just look at the history. That said, I don't want to see Nokia fail."

Charles Arthur, Technology editor at The Guardian:

"It's dangerous. As one questioner pointed out neither of them are big in the US market. They will have to make something special while rebuilding trust with Symbian developers."

Pete Cunningham,?Principal analyst at Canalys:

"Windows Phone 7 is a good platform, but it's not a priority platform so attracting Nokia is amazing, but will it deliver for them?"

Matt Brian, Mobile editor at The Next Web:

"Great as long as Nokia can get it out the door quickly"

Chris Davies, editor of

"It's a partnership that makes more sense than any other out there. If Nokia can stand out from the crowd it will do well."

Ben Rooney, technology editor at the Wall Street Journal:

You've got to look at both sides and ask what does Microsoft get out of this? Microsoft needs Nokia as much as Nokia needs them. But ultimately it's two dinosaurs fighting against younger more agile competitors."

Last but not least, what do we think about it? Here's Pocket-lint's owner and editor Stuart Miles' take:

"Today is a big day for both companies, giving Nokia a new life in the fight against Android, Apple and BlackBerry. Nokia make great hardware, Microsoft now make great software, and the two should push the platform and companies back into the race for smartphone dominance in a serious way. The question now is how fast those two powerhouses can maximise on the huge potential that they have."

Tags: Microsoft Phones Mobile phones Nokia Windows Phone 7

Nokia and Microsoft partnership: Industry reaction originally appeared on on Fri, 11 Feb 2011 10:31:00 +0000


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