Sunday, December 19, 2010

Delicious is closing, so how do you export your bookmarks?

Getting your favourite stuff out before the services expire
Delicious is closing, so how do you export your bookmarks?

If you use Delicious, the social bookmarking website, we’ve got some bad news, turns out that Yahoo is canning the service or as it calls it: showing it the “sunset”.

Turns out Delicious isn’t doing as well as you perhaps thought and so it’s not long for this world.

“Part of our organizational streamlining involves cutting our investment in under-performing or off-strategy products to put better focus on our core strengths and fund new innovation in the next year and beyond.?We continuously evaluate and prioritize our portfolio of products and services, and do plan to shut down some products in the coming months such as Yahoo! Buzz, our Traffic APIs, and others. We will communicate specific plans when appropriate”, says Yahoo in an official statement.

Eek we hear you cry, so what can you do next?

Well the simplest option is to export your social bookmarks to a HTML file and then start looking for a new service to import them into (we are researching this for you so will come up with some suggestions in the next couple of days).

In the meantime you need to get your bookmarks out of the service.

To export your Delicious bookmarks go to the following link:

Chose to export your bookmarks to a html file, and you are done.

Tags: Online Delicious Features

Delicious is closing, so how do you export your bookmarks? originally appeared on on Thu, 16 Dec 2010 22:44:00 +0000


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