Saturday, February 12, 2011

iOS massively outshines Android in Europe - but BlackBerry clings on in UK

Pocket-lint infographic reveals all
iOS massively outshines Android in Europe - but BlackBerry clings on in UK

Apple's mobile phone operating system, iOS, is by far and away the most heavily adopted in Europe, even though it only appears on Apple devices. Its staggering 44.95 per cent market share is almost three times as much as Android's, which comes in at 16.37 per cent.

However, unlike the rest of Europe, BlackBerry OS is holding its own admirably in the UK, with 36.22 per cent of the market share in comparison to iOS's 42.02 per cent. Android is steadily growing month-by-month though, and is now up to 12.42 per cent.

The stats are part of Pocket-lint's own new infographic, and are formed using's data?on Mobile Phone OS saturation Europe-wide. They are current, and are representative of ownership up to the end of January 2011.

They also reveal that, year-on-year, iOS is actually in a decline in Europe, dropping by over six per cent since January 2010 (from 50.44 per cent market share) - although not as much as Symbian OS, which has fallen by almost a half of its share (from 23.25 per cent to 12.57 per cent).

Apart from in Portugal, that is. It's massive over there. They love a bit of it.

Tags: Phones Android BlackBerry Symbian infographics Operating Systems ios

iOS massively outshines Android in Europe - but BlackBerry clings on in UK originally appeared on on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:18:00 +0000


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