Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Angry Birds Lego v2.0

Second fan-created vista spotted
Angry Birds Lego v2.0

We haven't had some Angry Birds news on Pocket-lint for, ooo, almost a day now, so we were pretty excited when another fan-created Lego collection of the critters was spotted in the wild.

Lego-enthusiast?Tsang Yiu Keung made the collection of birds and their swine-like counterparts, posted it onto his Facebook page and, er, that's it really. However, these all look incredibly professional and are worthy for any Angry Birds hall of fame.

Of course, they're not the first set of Angry Birds made from toy bricks, as Flickr user Stephene Griffin crafted a fine set back in December (just before Christmas) and he did attempt to create a couple of pigs to go along with the scene.

Our favourite amateur Angry Birds creation though, still has to be the birthday cake made by Anya Richardson, which we reported on back in November. It'll take a monumental effort to beat her amazing cake art.

Nonetheless, now that Lego is fair game, at least anybody can give it a go...


Tags: Gaming mobile phone applications Angry Birds Rovio Lego

Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0  Angry Birds Lego v2.0 

Angry Birds Lego v2.0 originally appeared on on Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:00:00 +0000


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